Day 14 – Finding my Personality at last
Being me and finding my personality
My personality has been called into account during my video recordings over the last few days. I have pondered all the advice I’ve received on recording my videos, writing my blog posts, and getting my personality across. The momentous decision that I’ve made is that I’m going to ignore most of it. I have taken some on board, and I will put some into action. But overall, I need to be true to myself. Because if I am not true to myself when people work with me, they could not work with the true me. When people work with me, I want them to understand that I have a passion for what I do. Not everybody likes you, not everybody will want to work with you, that’s fine. I want to enjoy the work I do and the people I work with.
My clients and My Personality
I spend many hours making sure that my clients’ books of their memoirs are perfect for them. I’ll probably spend more time than I should. However, I want the product of the book to be the best it can be. I want them to enjoy looking at their book. I want them to pick up that book and remember what happened in the past.
As a result, I have to be true to myself in the videos and my writing narrative. I don’t have 100 people working for me; I don’t have a massive studio or sound equipment. All I have is a camera, a computer and my passion.
I know my videos will be raw. There will be some incorrect words, they’ll be some good points as well, but you know what, it’s me. I don’t understand why it has taken me 14 days to realise this. When I started, I just wanted everything to be perfect. You look at YouTube, and there are some fantastic videos up there. They look professional; they feel professional, and the people spend hours making sure these videos have a look and feel. My job isn’t about making videos. My job is about recording memoirs and helping people remember the past. Assisting people to remember what they have overcome and how far they have come. My job is about creating books. It’s about making some beautiful art and helping my clients create memories. If I can get my message from being authentic and being me, I have done my job.

Working with me
If you want to work with me and get your memoirs published, drop me a line, call me or email me. I will always reply, but what you see in the videos is the person I am. It’s the person I like, and it’s the person I want to be.
What I learnt about writing my memoirs
- I need to be true to myself to be believable
- You don’t need fancy equipment to get your passion across
- It’s the message that is important, and those people who work with me know that
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